Monday, June 29, 2009

Who are the Comforting Guardian Angels?

Welcome to the Comforting Guardian Angel Blog.

I want to share with you a program I have been involved with for quite a few years now.
Our Mission is to bring comfort and support to anyone in need through requests from friends, family members and acquaintances.

We are a group of stampers, cardmakers, scrapbookers, crocheters, knitters, painters and crafters of all genre's from all over the world, who send handmade cards and angels and prayers through weekly requests.

I cannot even begin to share with you the feeling when a handwritten thank you note is received from someone who has been a recipient, and they share how truly comforting it was to know someone who didn't know them cared and thought of them during a difficult period in their life. I especially remember one letter from a soldier I received telling me how incredibly blessed he felt when he received his card.

If you have anyone in your life that may ever be in need of comfort through the cards and angels created by our members, as well as prayer, please go to this page and fill out the short form with the requested information. All information submitted is kept confidential and each member, with great care, respects your privacy. While you are on this page please be sure to read our guest book as you will soon understand the impact our program has had and continues to have on so many people.

This program has been successful over the past years and we are branching into a fresh direction and would love to have anyone who may consider becoming a part of our group.
We are always looking for members who may want to bring and receive this sort of blessing. If you think you might want to participate in this incredible group of people, please go to our website and sign up.

To kick off this new Blog I thought I would offer something a little different. Since our mission is to send comforting messages of support to others I thought I would offer my Blog Followers something of the same. Each month I will be creating an 8x8 web page which can be downloaded to your computer and printed. You can cut it down and put it in an album and after a time you will have a very comforting devotional of sorts. I will also be offering bookmarks for you to download with verses and quotes on them.

I hope you go over and visit our website and check out all the links.

So I post for you the first page. I hope you enjoy.

Instructions for printing: Click on the image and save the larger file to your computer. This layout has been resized to an 8x10 to make it easier for printing and keeping in a binder.

1 comment:

  1. Hello I just wanted to let you know that my name is Christine Jaison and I have been really really good this year I just wanted to let you know that I talked to my mom an dad already and they said yes so would you to get me something for me like I want to have real magic powers like I'd rather prefer to go inside the real magic book so like I'd rather prefer to be in 2 drama movies number one would be I'm not ashamed and the second one would be Finding Mrs Claus like I'd rather prefer to be a different person cause I don't like the way I am so I really rather prefer to be another person like like I'd really rather prefer to be an Italian person like I'd rather prefer to have brown hair white skin and I really really rather be 18 years old and I'd rather prefer to be tall like Emilia De Cola which's my vocal teacher and I'd really rather prefer to have another parents a really nice cousins ​​like a missionaries Amanda Chris Maria Brown Reta Jirjees Daniel Tran my baby cousin Alex Sara Head Shayna Rose from The Fresh Beat Band Sophia & Luca Chris Bray Sister Jones Sister Procopio Fr Matt McCarthy which includes my dads niece and nephew especially my dads 4 brothers like Fr Gianni Carparelli Fr Vito Marziliano Deacon Joe and Angelo Minardi so that we can be in a movie I'm not ashamed that's going to be my gift and I talked to my mom and dad and they said yes
